a | Bold typeface for vectors | |
A | Bold, upright typeface for matrices | |
n | Number of tubes in concentric tube robot | |
pB | Position of backbone Bishop frame | |
RB | Rotation matrix of backbone Bishop frame | |
ψi | Angle between the material frame of tube i and RB | |
Rψ | Canonical rotation about z-axis of angle ψ | |
uB | Bishop frame curvature | |
·̂ | The conversion from ℝ3 to the cross product matrix | |
(·)∨ | Inverse function of ·̂, i.e. (x̂)∨ = x | |
(·)* | Denotes variable in undeformed state | |
Precurvature of the ith tube in the local material frame | |
kib | Bending stiffness of tube i | |
kit | Torsional stiffness of tube i | |
Ki | Linear elastic constitutive map | |
βi | Arc length where tube i is held | |
αi | Absolute rotational actuation of tube i | |
Li | Total length of tube i | |
β | mini {βi} | |
L | maxi {βi + Li} | |
(·)′ | Derivative with respect to arc length/dimensionless length | |
ei | ith standard basis vector | |
ui | Curvature of the ith tube in the local material frame | |
θi | Relative angle ψi − ψ1 | |
h, h, hi | Allowable variation function(s) | |
𝓢 | Linear second variation operator | |
σ | Dimensionless arc length | |
Fα | Partial derivative of a function F with respect to a | |
λ | Bifurcation parameter |