Table 1.
Summary of data for vascularization of longer bone grafts
Study | Evidence Level | MINORS Score | Length-based differences presented? | Group favored | Was there a specific length where a difference arose (details)? | Donor (number, details) | Recipient (number, details) | Mean months of followup (range) | Findings indirectly related to length |
Kim et al. [23] | III-2 | 18 | No | Neither | No (all grafts were to femoral head and no length details were presented) | VBG (23 fibula) NVBG (23 fibula) |
Femoral head (46) | 50 (36–67) | For all lengths (size of femoral head/neck), VBGs had less radiographic compression, collapse and dome depression |
Plakseychuk et al. [34] | III-2 | 16 | No | Neither | No (all grafts were to femoral head and no length details were presented) | VBG (50 fibula) NVBG (50 fibula) |
Femoral head (100) | 60 (36–96) | For all lengths (size of femoral head/neck), VBGs had better outcomes on functional (Harris hip) questionnaire and collapse status on plain x-ray |
Schuh et al. [42] | III-3 | 18 | No | Neither | No (outcomes related to length were not analyzed separately for VBGs and NVBGs) | Fibula (52) | VBG (1 humerus, 3 radius/ulna, 6 femur, 11 tibia, 5 foot) NVBG (2 humerus, 4 radius/ulna, 1 femur, 19 tibia, 0 foot) |
52 (12–259) | For all lengths: - VBG mean 14.7cm (8–27) - NVBG mean 15.2cm (5–28) VBGs were more likely to require revision (HR 5.97, p=0.008) All grafts <10cm were less likely (HR 0.88, p=0.03) to have a complication requiring revision (nonunion, wound breakdown, graft fracture, mechanical) |
Tetik et al. [49] | III-3 | 16 | No | Neither | No (all grafts were to femoral head and no length details were presented) | VBG (11 fibula) NVBG (15 fibula) |
Femoral head (26) | 33 (12–114) | For all lengths (size of femoral head/neck), VBGs had better outcomes on functional (Harris hip) questionnaire and visual pain scale |
NVBG = nonvascularized bone graft; VBG = vascularized bone graft.