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. 2016 Mar 1;474(5):1319–1327. doi: 10.1007/s11999-016-4769-4

Table 1.

Summary of data for vascularization of longer bone grafts

Study Evidence Level MINORS Score Length-based differences presented? Group favored Was there a specific length where a difference arose (details)? Donor (number, details) Recipient (number, details) Mean months of followup (range) Findings indirectly related to length
Kim et al. [23] III-2 18 No Neither No (all grafts were to femoral head and no length details were presented) VBG (23 fibula)
NVBG (23 fibula)
Femoral head (46) 50 (36–67) For all lengths (size of femoral head/neck), VBGs had less radiographic compression, collapse and dome depression
Plakseychuk et al. [34] III-2 16 No Neither No (all grafts were to femoral head and no length details were presented) VBG (50 fibula)
NVBG (50 fibula)
Femoral head (100) 60 (36–96) For all lengths (size of femoral head/neck), VBGs had better outcomes on functional (Harris hip) questionnaire and collapse status on plain x-ray
Schuh et al. [42] III-3 18 No Neither No (outcomes related to length were not analyzed separately for VBGs and NVBGs) Fibula (52) VBG (1 humerus, 3 radius/ulna,
6 femur, 11 tibia, 5 foot)
NVBG (2 humerus, 4 radius/ulna,
1 femur, 19 tibia, 0 foot)
52 (12–259) For all lengths:
- VBG mean 14.7cm (8–27)
- NVBG mean 15.2cm (5–28)
VBGs were more likely to require revision (HR 5.97, p=0.008)
All grafts <10cm were less likely (HR 0.88, p=0.03) to have a complication requiring revision (nonunion, wound breakdown, graft fracture, mechanical)
Tetik et al. [49] III-3 16 No Neither No (all grafts were to femoral head and no length details were presented) VBG (11 fibula)
NVBG (15 fibula)
Femoral head (26) 33 (12–114) For all lengths (size of femoral head/neck), VBGs had better outcomes on functional (Harris hip) questionnaire and visual pain scale

NVBG = nonvascularized bone graft; VBG = vascularized bone graft.