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. 2015 Nov 25;11(4):593–603. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsv144

Table 2.

fMRI results for Partner Belief > Partner Physical

Region R/L MNI coordinates (x y z) t-Value (peak voxel) Cluster size (voxels)
Ventral medial prefrontal cortex/orbital frontal cortex 0 41 −20 6.99 52
Temporo-parietal junction L −45 −58 28 5.35 146
Precuneus R 3 −55 31 5.33 140
Temporo-parietal junction R 48 −55 28 4.62 55

Note: Voxel-level P < 0.001 FWE-corrected at the cluster-level to P < 0.05.