Copy Number Variation in Chlamydomonas.
(A) Large candidate copy number gain on chromosome 1. Elevated normalized coverage depth with well-defined breakpoints between 4,318,500 and 4,725,000 bp in strain CC-407 suggest an ∼400-kb copy number gain in this region. Coverage is reported as the log2 of the normalized read depth (see Methods). Vertical lines/bars at the top of the panel represent individual genes. Genes are displayed as two rows where necessary to prevent overplotting.
(B) Copy number gains on chromosome 13 with unique breakpoints in three strains. Red arrows highlight three different break points at the 5′ end of each duplicated segment. A gene coding for the NADH-dependent form of glutamate synthase (GOGAT; Cre13.g592200.t1.2) is highlighted. Gaps in depth measurements represent missing sequences in the CC-503 reference assembly. Vertical lines/bars at the top of the panel represent individual genes. Genes are displayed as two rows where necessary to prevent overplotting.