Table 2.
Recommendations to improve the evidence base for women with CVD [16]
1) Improve trial design | |
a) Power trials to test heterogeneity in outcomes by sex | |
b) Explore further such heterogeneity when identified | |
c) Form a statistics working group to develop alternative statistical methods | |
2) Better enrollment in trials | |
a) Increase use of proven recruitment and retention strategies | |
b) Research to understand sex-related differences in recruitment and retention of subjects and how to overcome them | |
c) Employ regulatory and reimbursement strategies | |
d) Better Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services coverage of trial expenses | |
3) Mandate reporting of primary and secondary results in clinical trials by sex | |
a) Journal editors require sex-specific reporting in all primary manuscripts | |
b) Publish or web post brief secondary presentations and/or papers on results in women | |
c) Explore alternative ways to enhance accessibility of new and existing data for review and for incorporation into meta-analyses | |
4) Create incentives to enhance the performance of research in women | |
a) Alter pre-market investigational paradigm regarding sex-based data | |
b) Identify business incentives | |
c) Implement new FDA policies requiring discussion of the impact of sex before devices or drugs receive approval | |
d) Consider extensions in patent duration for enhanced pre-clinical testing of drugs and devices in women | |
e) Increase awareness of the problem among investigators, industry, and regulators |