Figure 3.
Analysis of aggregates by SDD‐AGE and SV. A: SDD‐AGE experiments. Analysis of Qn‐YFP aggregates by electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gel. Samples were prepared in 1x sample buffer containing ∼1% SDS. Lanes contain protein extracts from Q0‐YFP, Q24‐YFP, Q35‐YFP, Q45‐YFP, and Q82‐YFP worms. All samples were run on the same gel, and the separation in images indicates that a redundant lane was cropped out. B: Aggregate distribution from multi‐speed data for Q0‐YFP, Q35‐YFP, Q40‐YFP, and Q82‐YFP. Log plot of s*g (s*) vs. (s*) for 0.5 mg/mL Qn‐YFP samples in 1x lysis buffer centrifuged for about 3 h at 10,000 rpm, 30,000 rpm, and continued at 50,000 rpm until the last sedimentation boundary cleared the meniscus. The graph shows the complete distribution of the intermediate aggregates with s‐values ranging from 0.8 to 1,000 S. The inset focuses on the range 10‐1,000 S, to highlight the intermediate aggregates. The MSM data were analyzed using Sedanal v. 6.01 with WDA.