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. 2015 Oct 27;45(3):361–373. doi: 10.1007/s13280-015-0722-0

Table 2.

Cost–benefit analysis of mitten crab farming around Hongze Lake. TF trash fish, CF commercial pellet feed (in RMB ha−1year−1). For all values, the means ± SE are given

Cost items TF (RMB ha−1 year−1) TF&CF (RMB ha−1 year−1) CF (RMB ha−1 year−1)
(a) Capital investment
 1. Fencing 2979 ± 55 2986 ± 40 3193 ± 83
 2. Pump set 1001 ± 85 1018 ± 31 980 ± 57
 3. Catchment tool 745 ± 55 790 ± 24 894 ± 65
 4. Boats 960 ± 126 1127 ± 76 1374 ± 171
 Total 5685 ± 198 5921 ± 104 6441 ± 236
(b) Fixed cost
 1. Land lease 12 500 ± 781 12 605 ± 387 12 717 ± 451
 2. Deprecation 1137 ± 40 1184 ± 21 1288 ± 47
 3. Interest 853 ± 30 888 ± 16 966 ± 35
 Total 14 490 ± 791 14 680 ± 382 14 975 ± 452
(c) Operating cost
 1. Pond preparation 1568 ± 83 1580 ± 33 1576 ± 56
 2. Crab seed 4025 ± 415 3792 ± 215 3222 ± 303
 3. Fish fingerling 756 ± 49 650 ± 25 669 ± 36
 4. Macrophyte 2562 ± 88 2468 ± 49 2542 ± 75
 5. Snails 6033 ± 502 5805 ± 293 6257 ± 201
 6. Feed 29 120 ± 2526 26 880 ± 1030 23 474 ± 1268
 7. Fuel/electricity charges 1390 ± 66 1311 ± 34 1220 ± 51
 Total 45 455 ± 2731 42 487 ± 1191 38 960 ± 1441
(d) Total cost (b+c) 59 947 ± 2873 57 168 ± 1203 53 935 ± 1559
(e) Total revenue 75 949 ± 4533 82 150 ± 2670 78 443 ± 4151
 1. Revenue from crab 73 322 ± 4516 79 697 ± 2654 75 911 ± 4160
 2. Revenue from fish 2628 ± 114 2453 ± 93 2532 ± 142
(f) Net profit 16 003 ± 2022 24 983 ± 1680 24 509 ± 2926