Race/Ethnicity | Population | Disposal Wella < 5 Km, No. (%) | Unconventional Wellb < 5 Km, No. (%) |
White | 1 406 086 | 167 258 (11.9) | 418 850 (29.8) |
All people of color | 1 412 181 | 217 624 (15.4) | 372 516 (26.4) |
Hispanic, any race | 1 086 979 | 181 397 (16.7) | 281 075 (25.9) |
Non-Hispanic Black | 253 188 | 30 202 (11.9) | 70 727 (27.9) |
Non-Hispanic Native American | 14 032 | 2 058 (14.7) | 3 483 (24.8) |
Total | 2 818 267 | 384 882 (13.7) | 791 366 (28.1) |
Disposal wells receive oil and gas wastewater to inject underground.
Unconventional wells extract oil and gas using hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) and horizontal drilling.