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. 2015 Jul 9;6(7):e99. doi: 10.1038/ctg.2015.24

Table 2. CDI classification and symptom onset.

Disease classification Symptom onset
HCF onset, HCF-associated CDI >48 h after admission but before discharge from an HCF
Community-associated CDI Community onset or within 48 h of HCF admission, if symptom onset was >12 weeks after last HCF discharge
Community onset, HCF-associated CDI Community onset or within 48 h of HCF admission, if symptom onset was ≤4 weeks after last HCF discharge
Indeterminate CDI Does not meet criteria for above disease classifications
Unknown CDI Lack of available data; unable to classify

CDI, Clostridium difficile infection; HCF, healthcare facility. Adapted from refs. 5 and 24.