Figure 3. Behavioral tests of fear.
(A) Representative recordings of “Startle Stimulus Only” and “Tone + Startle Stimulus” trials in a α2F/F control mouse treated with vehicle. The increased startle amplitude in “Tone + Startle” trials represents fear-potentiation of the startle response. (B-E) Mean ( ± S.E.M.) startle amplitude in “No Tone” and “Tone” startle trials in vehicle and diazepam-treated (B) α2F/F, (C) αCA1KO, (D) α2CA3KO, (E) α2DGKO mice. (F) Mean ( ± S.E.M.) percent FPS in trials preceded by the tone. Asterisks represent significant difference from the corresponding vehicle group. (G) Mean ( ± S.E.M.) number of licks recorded in the pretest session of the VCT where drinking is not punished (This session does not involve drug administration). (H) Mean ( ± S.E.M.) number of licks recorded in the test session where every 20th lick is punished in vehicle- or diazepam-treated mice. Asterisks represent significant difference from the corresponding vehicle group. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.