Osmotic water permeability of oocytes coexpressing BvPIP1;1 or BvPIP2;2 monomers with the heterodimer in a 1:1 mass ratio. Pf measurements of oocytes injected with cRNA coding for BvPIP1;1, BvPIP2;2, heterodimer, heterodimer + monomer BvPIP1;1, and heterodimer + monomer BvPIP2;2. The amount of cRNA is shown in parentheses; where (1) is equivalent to 2.5 ng of cRNA per oocyte and a (1:1) mass ratio corresponds to 2.5 ng of one cRNA plus 2.5 ng of the other cRNA. NI, noninjected oocytes used as negative controls. Oocytes expressing the heterodimer show Pf values significantly different from those of BvPIP2;2 cRNA alone. Coexpression of the heterodimer with BvPIP2;2 or BvPIP1;1 monomers in a 1:1 cRNA mass ratio show different properties in terms of membrane water permeability, stating that heterotetramers with diverse composition must be present in the plasma membrane. Data are mean (± SE) water permeability values (n = 4), and 14–18 oocytes were tested for each treatment in each independent experiment. Letters a–e denote values significantly different from each other (p < 0.05), as determined by the two-tailed Student’s t-test. To the right of each bar is indicated, in cartoon format, the plausible heterotetrameric assemblies formed by injection of each cRNA. Crossed-out tetramers are those that are not located in the plasma membrane. BvPIP1;1 monomer is represented by a solid circle, BvPIP2;2 monomer by an open circle, and the heterodimer by an open circle and a solid circle connected with a curved line.