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. 2014 Jun 16;25(11):4155–4168. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu134

Table 2.

Functional network overlap in ALC and CTL

K BA/nucleus x y z T-score
Default mode network
 L PCC/precuneus/hippocampal formation 9691 23, 27 −6 −52 38 37.42
 L Middle temporal/angular 3529 21, 39 −52 −60 18 11.63
 L Middle temporal/inferior temporal 993 20, 21 −56 −28 −8 5.33
 R Superior temporal /angular 2640 22, 39 56 −58 26 9.82
 R Middle temporal/inferior temporal 665 20, 21 68 −38 −2 4.56
 L Middle frontal/medial superior frontal 4048 46, 9, 10 −34 20 40 6.35
 R Middle frontal/superior frontal 931 46, 9 28 40 42 6.15
 R Cerebellum 222 Area 9 10 −52 −46 5.32a
Executive control network
 L SFG/middle frontal /medial superior frontal 25 110 8, 9, 10, 46 −22 48 36 20.35
 R Angular/inferior parietal 1468 39, 40 50 −54 30 7.97
 L Angular/inferior parietal 1784 39, 40 −50 −64 38 6.71
 L PCC/middle cingulate cortex 1502 23 −6 −50 28 5.48
 L Cerebellum 275 Crus 2 −28 −82 −34 5.04
Salience network
 L ACC/middle orbitofrontal/medial superior frontal/middle cingulate cortex/insula/caudate/putamen 24 734 24, 32, 10, 11, 23, 48 −10 44 8 28.20
 R Supramarginal/angular 239 39, 40, 42 54 −48 32 4.75
Attention network
 L SPL/inferior parietal lobe 17 949 7, 40 −24 −70 54 20.01
 R Inferior temporal/fusiform 2242 20, 37 58 −56 −12 7.31
 L Precentral/middle frontal 1015 6, 8 −28 −4 48 7.26
 R Precentral/middle frontal 830 6 28 −4 42 7.13
 R Frontal inferior operculum 312 44 54 10 28 5.43
 R Frontal middle and inferior operculum 863 11, 47 30 38 −20 5.26
 L Precentral 350 6, 44 −48 4 24 5.06
 R Fusiform 378 37 30 −52 −16 4.98
Somatosensory network
 L Postcentral/rolandic operculum/insula/superior, middle temporal/middle cingulate/supplementary motor area 40 460 3, 4, 6, 20, 21, 23, 43, 48 −60 −6 16 20.91
 R Lingual/inferior occipital and temporal 2283 18, 37 30 −96 −12 8.04
Cerebellum 783 Area 8 12 −72 −48 5.92
Auditory network
 R Heschl/rolandic operculum/superior temporal/paracentral/postcentral/thalamus 33 550 48, 41, 43, 3, 4 46 −16 10 23.92
 R ACC/medial prefrontal 242 10, 11, 24, 25 2 38 −2 5.51
Visual network
 R Calcarine/inferior, middle, and superior occipital/fusiform/hippocampus/parahippocampus/precuneus/angular 26 638 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 37, 7 12 −80 8 23.05
Reward network
 L NAcc/caudate/putamen/insula/ACC/medial prefrontal 11 317 25, 10, 32, 48 −8 6 −4 31.37
Emotion network
 L Amygdala/hippocampus, parahippocampus/inferior and middle temporal gyri and pole/midbrain 21 404 34, 20, 21, 38 −26 0 −16 29.60
 R Supplementary motor area 608 6 6 −14 58 4.78
 R Postcentral/rolandic operculum/superior temporal 770 43 58 −6 30 4.74

Note: Conjunction analysis: statistical significance (T-score) of clusters functionally connected to the cortical seed (bolded) in each group and their location in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space (mm).

Functional connectivity network overlap using (exclusive) conjunction analysis with a combined peak-and-extend threshold set at peak P < 0.001 and extent PFWE-corrected < 0.05.

aFor regions with a significant peak threshold of PFWE-corrected < 0.05; k = number of synchronously activated brain voxel.