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. 2014 Jun 24;25(11):4191–4202. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu142

Table 2.

Results of voxelwise fMRI and percent signal change analyses in ET versus controls

Cluster no. Side Region(s) Size (mm3) Peak MNI coordinates
Pearson r-values for correlation between PSC and SD of force
x y z F-value 0–3 Hz 3–8 Hz 8–15 Hz
ET > controls
 Cluster 1 Ipsi V1*, V2 702 18 −102 −6 46.32 0.238 0.567 0.092
 Cluster 2 Con M1* 594 −26 −24 60 30.85 0.167 0.460 −0.016
 Cluster 3 Con SMA* 837 −2 −10 66 23.70 0.210 0.373 0.097
 Cluster 4 Ipsi DLPFC* 756 36 14 38 19.29 0.309 0.453 0.157
 Cluster 5 Ipsi PMd* 621 36 −10 44 19.27 −0.025 0.228 −0.088
 Cluster 6 Con Middle frontal gyrus*, middle cingulate cortex 621 −30 24 36 18.30 0.224 0.436 −0.022
 Cluster 7 Con S1* 324 −38 −36 50 14.41 0.126 0.217 −0.103
 Cluster 8 Con Inferior parietal lobule* 405 −48 −52 44 13.98 0.242 0.366 0.187
ET < controls
 Cluster 1 Ipsi*, Con Cereb lobules I-IV* 1872 6 −46 −15 25.13 0.361 −0.159 −0.128
Ipsi Cereb lobule V
 Cluster 2 Con M1*, S1 128 −60 −10 20 24.38 −0.300 −0.246 0.026
 Cluster 3 Con Thalamus*, caudate 96 −18 −12 20 22.18 −0.231 −0.129 0.057
 Cluster 4 Ipsi Cereb crus II*, lobule VIIb 656 2 −76 −39 17.41 −0.316 −0.128 −0.073

Note: Con, contralateral; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; ET, essential tremor; Ipsi, ipsilateral; M1, primary motor cortex; PMd, dorsal premotor area; PSC, percent signal change; S1, primary somatosensory cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; V1/V2, primary and secondary visual cortex. All clusters significant at P < 0.05, corrected. Region at peak coordinate is noted with an asterisk. The bold values are P < 0.006, FDR corrected P < 0.05.