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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Pharmacoeconomics. 2013 Nov;31(11):959–970. doi: 10.1007/s40273-013-0088-8

Table 1.

Cost effectiveness studies based on CURE and PCI-CURE trials for efficacy estimates.

Author Study Comparators Funding Health
Year Description Findings
Pignone et al18 Published literature Aspirin vs no aspirin for primary prevention Bayer and CDC US 2003 Markov model in men, lifetime time horizon Aspirin is a dominant strategy compared to no aspirin
Greving et al19 Published literature Aspirin vs no aspirin for primary prevention Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development Holland 2005 Markov model, 10 year time horizon ICER depended on age and gender and overall risk profile, with lower ICER in higher risk populations
Earnshaw et al20 Published literature Aspirin vs no aspirin for primary prevention Bayer and NCI US 2009 Markov model in men, lifetime time horizon Aspirin dominates no treatment in men older than 45 years with 10 year CHD risk >10%
Gaspoz et al21 Published literature Aspirin +/− Clopidogrel vs no therapy for secondary prevention AHRQ and NHLBI US 2000 Coronary Heart Disease Policy Model, 25 year time horizon The ICER for aspirin from current use to all eligible patients is $11,000/QALY gained. The ICER for clopidogrel in aspirin intolerant is $31,000/QALY gained. Routine clopidogrel is not favorable, although the ICER is sensitive to the cost of clopidogrel.
Latour-Pérez et al33 CURE Clopidogrel + Aspirin vs Aspirin in ACS Sanofi Spain 1999 Markov model; treated for 1 year; societal perspective; lifetime event horizon ICER €12,000/QALY gained
Range €5,000 to €30,000 based on risk
Badia et al34 CURE Clopidogrel + Aspirin vs Aspirin in ACS Sanofi-Aventis + Bristol-Myers Squibb Spain 2003 Patient-level outcomes and Markov model; treated 1 year; short and long term analyses ICER €17190 per event avoided short term
ICER €8132/LYG long term
Lindgren et al35 CURE Clopidogrel + Aspirin vs Aspirin in ACS Sanofi Sweden 2000 Markov model; treated x 1 year; payer perspective; lifetime time horizon ICER € 1365/LYG (study patients)
ICER € 1009/LYG (registry patients)
Lindgren et al36 PCI-CURE + literature Clopidogrel for up to 1 year + Aspirin vs Clopidogrel up 4 weeks + Aspirin in ACS Sanofi-Aventis Sweden 2004 Markov model; treated x 1 year; societal perspective; lifetime event-horizon ICER € 10,993LYG (direct cost only)
ICER € 8,127/LYG (with indirect cost)
Weintraub et al37 CURE Clopidogrel + Aspirin vs Aspirin in ACS Sanofi-Aventis US 2001 Patient-level outcomes; life expectancy estimates; event horizon 1 year; ICER $6,318/LYG (Framingham estimate)
ICER $6,475/LYG (Saskatchewan estimate)
Mahoney et al38 PCI CURE Clopidogrel for up to 1 year + Aspirin vs Clopidogrel up 4 weeks + Aspirin in ACS Sanofi-Aventis US 2001 Patient-level outcomes; US based; life expectancy estimates; event horizon 1 year; ICER $2856-$4775LYG (Overall)
ICER dominant-$935/LYG (Early PCI)
Lamy et al39 CURE Clopidogrel + Aspirin vs Aspirin in ACS Sanofi-Aventis UK, US, Sweden, France, Canada 2001 Patient-level outcomes; societal perspective; treated for 9 moths; event horizon 9 months; ICER per primary event: £10,366 UK, $22,484 USA, SKr 127,951 Sweden, €16,186 France, and C$7973 Canada
Schleinitz et al40 CURE Clopidogrel + Aspirin vs Aspirin in ACS NIH + VA US 2002 Markov model; US based; treated for 1 year; societal perspective; lifetime event horizon ICER $15,400/QALY gained
Bruggenjurgen41 CURE Clopidogrel + Aspirin vs Aspirin in ACS Sanofi-Aventis Germany 2005 Markov model; German based; treated x 1 year; payer perspective; ICER €3,113/LYG
Kolm et al42 CURE & PCI CURE Clopidogrel + Aspirin vs Aspirin in ACS Sanofi-Aventis Canada 2003 Patient-level outcomes; treated for 1 year; event horizon 1 year; ICER <$10,000 per event prevented
ICER <$4,000LYG
Gibler et al44 CLARITY Clopidogrel vs Placebo load in STEMI NA US NA Patient-level data alongside clinical trial for short term. Simulation lifetime Short term clopidogrel is dominant. Lifetime <$6000/LYG
Berg et al45 CLARITY and COMMIT Clopidogrel vs Placebo in STEMI NA Sweden, Germany, France 2005 Markov model. CLARITY: clopidogrel for up to 1 year dominant in Sweden and France, ICER of € 92/LYG in Germany. COMMIT: ICERs were € 2772, 4144, and 2786/LYG in Sweden Germany and France
Zhang46 COMMIT Clopidogrel + aspirin vs Placebo + aspirin in medically managed STEMI Sanofi-Aventis + Bristol-Myers Squibb US 2002 Patient level data alongside clinical trial short term. Lifetime model Short term clopidogrel is a dominate strategy. Lifetime ICER clopidogrel is $7806/LYG
Beinart49 CREDO Clopidogrel loading plus 1 year vs clopidogrel for 28 days in PCI Sanofi-Aventis US NA Patient level data alongside clinical trial, lifetime time horizon Clopidogrel loading is dominant short term. ICER 3000–5000/LYG over a lifetime.
Cowper50 CREDO + Duke database Extending clopidogrel for 1 year after PCI vs not extending clopidogrel AHRQ US 2000 Simulation The ICER for extending clopidogrel from one month to one year after PCI was $15,696/LYG.
Ringborg et al51 CREDO Clopidogrel loading plus 1 year vs clopidogrel for 28 days in PCI Sanofi-Aventis Sweden 2004 Markov model The ICER was € 3022/LYG for clopidogrel loading plus 1 year of therapy.
Berg et al52 PCI-CURE, CREDO, CLARITY, Swedish registries Prolonged treatment with clopidogrel after PCI vs no prolonged treatment NA Sweden, Germany, France 2006 Meta-analysis, Markov model Pre-treatment with clopidogrel compared with aspirin alone is dominant. Long-term clopidogrel compared with 1-month treatment years ICERs of € 4225/QALY to 7871/QALY.
Mahoney et al54 TRITON Prasugrel vs Clopidogrel in ACS Eli Lilly US 2005 Patient level data alongside clinical trial, lifetime time horizon The ICER was $9727/LYG for prasugrel compared to clopidogrel.
Mauskopf et al55 TRITON/administrative database Prasugrel vs Clopidogrel in ACS Eli Lilly US managed care 2009 Simulation Prasugrel is dominant in ACS patients, results sensitive to drug prices.
Nikolic et al57 PLATO Ticagrelor vs Clopidogrel in ACS AstraZeneca Sweden 2010 Markov model, lifetime time horizon Over a lifetime, the ICER was € 2753/QALY gained for ticagrelor compared to clopidogrel.
Cohen et al77 REPLACE-2 Bivalirudin with provisional GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor vs UFH GP IIb/IIIa in non-emergent PCI NA US 2002 Patient level data alongside clinical trial, 30 day time horizon Bivalirudin with provisional GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor costs less with no difference in clinical outcome compared to UFH GP IIb/IIIa
Summers et al78 REPLACE-2 plus literature Bivalirudin with provisional GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor vs UFH GP IIb/IIIa in non-emergent PCI NA US NA Simulation Bivalirudin with provisional GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor dominates UFH GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor. The results are sensitive to how much bivalirudin is given
Schwenkelenks et al80 HORIZONS-AMI Bivalirudin vs heparin and GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor in primary PCI for STEMI The Medicines Company United Kingdom 2009–2010 Markov model, lifetime time horizon. Bivalirudin dominated UFH with GP IIb-IIa inhibitor
Schwenkelenks et al81 ACUITY and GRACE UK dataset Bivalirudin vs heparin and GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor for invasive management of non-STEMI ACS The Medicines Company United Kingdom 2008 Markov model, lifetime time horizon. The ICER for Bivalirudin vs UFH with GP IIb-IIa inhibitor was £9,906/QALY gained
Crespin et al82 PLATO plus claims database Ticagrelor vs Genotype-Driven Antiplatelet Therapy for Secondary Prevention after ACS NIA and NIGMS US 2009 Markov model, 5 year time horizon The ICER for ticagrelor compared to genotype-driven treatment was $10,059/QALY gained, and was sensitive to the price of ticagrelor

Abbreviations: ACS: acute coronary syndrome, AHRQ: Agency for Health Research and Quality, CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ICER: incremental cost effectiveness ratio, LYG: Life year gained, NA: not available, NCI: National Cancer Institute, NHLBI: National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIA: National Institute of Aging, NIGMS: National Institute of General Medical Sciences, PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention, QALY: quality adjusted life year, STEMI: ST elevation myocardial infarction, UFH: unfractionated heparin