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. 2016 Apr 1;6:23511. doi: 10.1038/srep23511

Table 2. Degree of cross-taxon congruence (Inline graphic, levels of statistical significance (1000 random permutations).

Number of model Dependent Taxon Taxon used as Independent variable Inline graphic CTG + CTGE CTE PT
1 Vascular plants Carabidae 27.4%*** 10.00% 13.00% 4.30%
2 Carabidae Vascular plants 27.4%*** 12.40% 8.00% 7.00%
3 Vascular plants Geometridae 13.2%*** 10.20% 2.80% 0.20%
4 Geometridae Vascular plants 13.2%*** 11.70% 1.30% 0.20%
5 Vascular plants Arctiinae 4.8%*** 4.20% 0.30% 0.30%
6 Arctiinae Vascular plants 4.8%*** 4.30% 0.20% 0.30%
7 Carabidae Geometridae 21.1%*** 18.80% 1.70% 0.60%
8 Geometridae Carabidae 21.1%*** 19.80% 0.90% 0.30%
9 Carabidae Arctiinae 13.9%*** 10.80% 1.90% 1.30%
10 Arctiinae Carabidae 13.9%*** 10.60% 2.10% 1.20%
11 Geometridae Arctiinae 26.0%*** 22.40% 0.40% 3.20%
12 Arctiinae Geometridae 26.0%*** 19.30% 0.90% 5.80%

***P < 0.001, representing the congruence of species turnover between two taxa, partitioned into three fractions by variation partitioning, the congruence between two taxa explained by geographic distance (CTG+CTGE), independently by environmental distance (CTE), and PT represents the congruence between two taxa believed to relate to their direct biotic interaction).