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. 2016 Apr 5;7(2):e00013-16. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00013-16

FIG 4 .

FIG 4 

Model descriptions and predictions. (A) A possible model for motor switching. Binding of CheY-p changes the free energies of CCW and CW (solid line to dashed line) by ΔECCW and ΔECW. This assumption gives our model as described in the text, which we use to obtain the following results. (B) From simulations, the probability distribution of run times up and down the chemoattractant gradient. The inset shows the experiment data from Fig. 2A and C. Also from simulations, we predict the cell density distributions in a 600-µm by 200-µm microfluidic channel with equal serine gradients but different average serine concentrations (C) and different serine gradients but the same average serine concentrations (D). Lines are from the model simulation. Hollow circles and squares are experiment data, which were not used in fitting the model parameters but are well described by simulation. Insets are the serine concentration profiles across the channel, color coded to match the corresponding cell density profiles.