Figure 2.
Pairwise distance matrix of individual plant colonization treatments in replicates derived from MALDI-FTMS phylloplane imaging data sets. The abbreviations used to label rows and columns are the same as in Figure 1. Color shading mark small to large distances, respectively, which means dark-shaded comparisons of colonization treatments deviate more from each other in terms of phylloplane exometabolome composition than light-shaded comparisons. Red-colored fields in the upper right half of the distance matrix are pairwise Euclidian distances. For the green-colored fields in the lower left half, a Bray-Curtis metric was used. Permanova testing confirmed, that the individual treatments are significantly different from each other, with both Euclidian and Bray-Curtis metrics (i.e., P-value<0.001, using 1000 permutations).