Figure 5.
The fVEP shows a trend of improvement of functional vision 4 weeks after microbead injection in mice treated with rAAV2/8.mEpoR76E (pre-IOP). (a) Overlay of averaged waveforms from mice prior to (baseline) and 4 weeks after microbead injections and treatment with AAV2/8.eGFP (n = 13) or rAAV2/8.mEpoR76E (n = 7). The peaks of the N1 and P1 amplitudes are labeled. (b) Box plot quantification of the negative area under the curve from 20 to 175 ms (the average P1 latency) presented as percentage of baseline. (c) Box plot of N1 amplitude presented as percent change from baseline. (d) Box plot of P1 amplitude presented as percent change from baseline. fVEP, flash visual evoked potential; rAAV, recombinant adeno-associated virus.