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. 2016 Mar 20;2016:9482876. doi: 10.1155/2016/9482876

Table 1.

Phase III trials in acute ischemic stroke using mRS as primary outcome published between January 2007 and July 2014.

Clinical trial (publ. year) Intervention Number of pts. Primary outcome
(favourable score)
Method of analysis Result of trial
CATIS (2014) Antihypertensive 4,071 mRS at 14 d (0–2) χ 2 test (unadjusted), OR by logistic regression Neutral

URICO-ICTUS (2014) Uric acid 421 mRS at 90 d (0-1 (or 2 if premorbid score was 2)) Log-binomial regression (adjusted) Neutral

ALIAS Part 2 (2013) Albumin 848 mRS and NIHSS at 90 d (0-1) GLM with log link (adjusted) Neutral

AXIS-2 (2013) Filgrastim (G-CSF) 328 mRS at 90 d Ordinary least squares Neutral

CERE-LYSE-1 (2013) Cerebrolysin + alteplase 119 mRS at 90 d Ordinal logistic regression Neutral, trial terminated

CHIMES (Neuroaid) (2013) MLC601 1,100 mRS at 3 mo Ordinal logistic regression (adjusted) Neutral

ECCS-AIS (2013) Edaravone or citicoline 71 mRS and NIHSS at 3 mo ANOVA (mean mRS score) Positive for Edaravone

IMS III (2013) Endovascular therapy 656 mRS at 3 mo (0–2) CMH test (adjusted) Neutral, trial stopped early

Integrated rehab (2013) Integrated rehabilitation 69 mRS at 90 d (0-1) Dichotomous (unavailable) Neutral

MAC SI (2013) DP-b99 446 mRS at 90 d CMH test with modified ridit scores Neutral (p = 0.105)

NBP (2013) dl-3-n-Butylphthalide 573 mRS and BI at 90 d (0-1) χ 2 test Positive (p = 0.002)

NEST 1 & 2 pooled (2013) Transcranial laser therapy 780 mRS at 90 d (0–2) Logistic regression (adjusted) Positive

SYNTHESIS Expansion (2013) Endovascular therapy 362 mRS at 3 mo (0-1) Fisher's exact test, OR by M-H test Neutral

CASTA (2012) Cerebrolysin 1,070 Global test: mRS, NIHSS, and BI at 90 d Global directional test (Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test) Neutral

Early aspirin (2012) Aspirin + alteplase 642 mRS at 3 mo (0–2) Dichotomous (unspecified) Neutral, terminated early, increased risk of SICH

Ginsenoside-Rd (2012) Ginsenoside-rd 390 mRS, NIHSS, BI at 90 d (0–2) CMH test (adjusted), OR by logistic regression Positive

Home rehabilitation (2012) Home rehabilitation 60 mRS, BI, and EQ-5D at 2 yrs (0-1) Dichotomous (unspecified) Positive

ICTUS (2012) Citicoline 2,298 global test: mRS, NIHSS, BI at 90 d Logistic regression (adjusted) Neutral

IST-3 (2012) rt-PA 3,035 OHS at 6 mo (0–2) Logistic regression (adjusted) Neutral

Minocycline (2012) Minocycline 50 mRS, NIHSS, BI at 90 d t-test and Mann-Whitney U test Positive

Scalp electrical acupuncture (2012) Scalp electrical acupuncture 62 NIHSS, mRS, BI at postacupuncture Fisher's exact test Neutral

ALIAS Part 1 (2011) Albumin 316 Composite mRS and NIHSS at 90 d (0-1) Dichotomous (unspecified) Neutral

Aphasia (2011) Piracetam 49 mRS, GAT, NIHSS, and BI scores at 24 wks t-test and Mann-Whitney U test Neutral

CAIST (2011) Cilostazol 458 mRS at 90 d (0–2) Normal approximation to binomial Comparable to aspirin (efficacy and safety)

QASC (2011) Symptom management initiative 1,696 mRS, BI, SF-36, PSC score at 90 d (0-1) Logistic regression with GEE Positive

SCAST (2011) Candesartan 2,029 mRS at 6 mo Ordinal logistic regression Negative

SENTIS (2011) NeuroFlo device 515 Global endpoint: mRS, NIHSS, BI, and GOS at 90 d (0-1) Logistic regression (adjusted) Neutral

t-PA in elderly (2011) t-PA 97 mRS at discharge (0–2) Dichotomous (unavailable) Neutral

COSSACS (2010) Antihypertensive 763 mRS at 2 wks (0–2) χ 2 test (OR by adjusted logistic regression) Neutral, trial stopped early

EARLY (2010) Aspirin + dipyridamole <24 h 548 mRS at 90 d (0-1) CMH test (adjusted), OR by logistic regression Neutral

ASP I & II interim (2009) Ancrod 508 mRS at 90 d (dependent on prestroke score) Logistic regression (adjusted) Neutral

CHHIPS (2009) BP manipulation 180 mRS at 2 wks (0–3) Logistic regression Neutral, study underpowered

DIAS-2 (2009) 90 & 125 µg/kg desmoteplase 193 Composite mRS, NIHSS, and BI at 90 d Global statistical test Neutral

EDO (2009) Edaravone 401 mRS at 3 mo (0-1) Dichotomous (unavailable) Neutral

NEST-2 (2009) Transcranial laser therapy 660 mRS and NIHSS at 90 d (0–2) Logistic regression (adjusted) Neutral (p = 0.094)

PAIS (2009) Paracetamol 1,400 mRS at 3 mo Sliding dichotomy Neutral

AbESTT-II (2008) Abciximab 801 mRS at 3 mo Sliding dichotomy (mRS is 0 if NIHSS is 4–7, 0-1 if 8–14, and 0–2 if 15–22) Neutral

ECASS III (2008) Alteplase (rt-PA) 821 mRS at 90 d (0-1) χ 2 test (OR and RR) Positive

Ultrasound guided TCCS (2008) Transcranial color-coded sonography 37 mRS, BI, and death at 90 d Mann-Whitney U test Neutral mRS, overall benefit of TCCS therapy

MELT (2007) Urokinase 114 mRS at 90 d (0–2) Fisher's exact test Neutral, trial stopped early

SAINT II (2007) NXY-059 3,306 mRS at 90 d CMH test (adjusted) Neutral

Statin withdrawal (2007) Statin withdrawal 89 mRS at 3 mo (0–2) Logistic regression Negative

Ordinal analyses. CMH: Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, GEE: general estimating equation, GLM: generalised linear model, OR: odds ratio, and RR: relative risk.