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. 2016 Apr 2;11:46. doi: 10.1186/s13012-016-0408-4

Table 4.

Summary of intervention strategy implementation

Monthly intervention strategies Average number who received strategy per montha
Group 1b Group 2c Overall
 Practice change support officer contacts
  Face-to-face visits (managers) 1.6/3 (53 %) 7.6/10 (76 %) 9.2/13 (71 %)
  Face-to-face visits (clinicians)d 4.8/7 (69 %) 8.7/12 (73 %) 13.4/19 (71 %)
  Fortnightly phone/email support (managers) 1.8/3 (60 %) 8.3/10 (83 %) 10.1/13 (78 %)
 Monitoring and feedback
  Performance reports provided (managers)e 1.4/3 (47 %) 7.5/10 (75 %) 8.9/13 (68 %)
  Performance reports discussed with (managers)e 1.0/3 (33 %) 7.2/10 (72 %) 8.2/13 (63 %)
 Practice change resources
  Tips and updates sheets provided to clinicians (service)f 3.4/7 (49 %) 9.0/12 (75 %) 12.4/19 (65 %)
  Newsletter provided to clinicians (service)f 4.4/7 (63 %) 9.0/12 (75 %) 13.4/19 (71 %)
One-off intervention strategiesg Month by which majority of target (80 % ) received strategyh
Group 1b Group 2c Overall
 Clinician and manager training
  Manager training (managers) 5/12 4/12 5/12
  Online training (managers) n/ai 4/12 5/12
  Online training (clinicians) 7/12 5/12 6/12
 Practice change resources
  Provision of resource pack (service)f 4/12 1/12 3/12

aAverage number of targets of the intervention strategy (services or managers) who received each strategy per month

bIncludes 7 services with a total of 3 managers and 52 clinicians

cIncludes 12 services, with a total of 10 managers and 165 clinicians

dRecorded at service level as support officer made available to all clinicians at relevant service

eDue to complications with the software used for performance monitoring and feedback, this strategy was not available for 6/12 months of the intervention period in group 1 and 3/12 months in group 2

fRecorded at service level as resource provided to the service to distribute to individual clinicians

gThe following strategies were implemented across the health district prior to intervention implementation: district wide preventive care policy, key performance indicators (based on consultation with health district executives, senior clinicians and managers), tool incorporated into the electronic medical record, e-mail helpline and an internet resource site

hIntervention month in which the majority of services, managers or clinicians (80 %) had received each ‘one-off’ intervention strategy

i<80 % of managers in group 1 completed the online training modules by the completion of the intervention. By month 5, 2/3 managers had completed the modules. The third manager did not complete the modules by the completion of the intervention