Figure 1.
(A) Location of GBRs across the human genome. Dex-specific GBRs were mapped to the human genome (v hg18) and the relative percentages of GBRs found in different regions are indicated. The vast majority (80%) of GBRs were found within intergenic and intronic regions. TTS, transcriptional termination site. (B) Distance of distinct dex-specific GBRs, identified by ChIP-seq analysis, from the transcriptional start site (TSS). Primary human subcutaneous adipose tissue was cultured overnight and adipocytes were isolated by collagenase digestion, washed and treated with dexamethasone (dex) (1 µM) or vehicle for one hour prior to ChIP-seq analysis. A total of 219 dex-specific GR-binding regions (GBRs) were identified, -log2 P ≥ 4. The figure shows the number, n, of GBRs and the distance (in kb) from the TSS.