Figure 5. GDF11/MSTN in humans.
A) Incidence of heart failure hospitalization, stroke, myocardial infarction, all-cause death, and their composite end-point in the HUNT3 cohort, unadjusted, stratified by quartile of GDF11+MSTN. Quartile 1 is the referent quartile with the lowest GDF11+8 concentrations. P-values for trend are <0.001 for heart failure, death, and composite end-point, 0.004 for stroke, and 0.02 for myocardial infarction. B) GDF11+MSTN levels by age in HUNT3 cohort, unadjusted. Inner line = median, box 25th-75th percentile, outer whiskers denote adjacent value 1.5 times height of box. Units = relative fluorescence units. P-value is < 0.001. This figure is reproduced from Olson et al.143 with permission from the European Heart Journal.