Figure 4.
The distal axon is rich in tyrosinated α-tubulin. (A) STED super-resolution images of the distal axon shows an enrichment of tyrosinated α tubulin (white arrowhead distal axon; gray arrowhead ~30μm proximal to the distal axon tip) (B) Detyrosinated α tubulin is enriched in the proximal axon, relative to tyrosinated α tubulin. The white arrowhead shows the first axonal branch point after exiting the cell body. The cell body was identified by morphology, but is not shown in these images. (C) Bootstrapped mean and 95% CI for line intensity profiles of Tyr/ Detyr in the distal axon (n = 4 neurons per condition, 10 line profiles per neuron; N = 2). The blue line indicates a ratio of 1. The images for Tyr or Detyr staining represent paired images where the Tyr distal axon in A is from the same neuron as the Tyr cell body staining in B with the same true for Detyr. Representative paired images were chosen from >4 images per condition, per experiment of similar quality.