SPMs of brain activation (BOLD signal) in response to the CS versus baseline in control rats (n = 12) and unthresholded activation maps for control and BDNF+/− rats. (a) A significant cluster was found over the left anterior amygdala [A; P
FWE < 0.0001, KE = 853, peak T = 8.55 at (38, −16, −2)], (b) the right primary visual cortex and superior colliculus [V1, SC; P
FWE < 0.0001, KE = 1568, peak T = 7.45 at (−48, −72, 44)] and (c) bed nucleus of the stria terminalis reaching forward to the right nucleus accumbens [BNST; P
FWE = 0.002, KE = 327, peak T = 6.71 at (−24, 2, −2)]. Cluster forming threshold: P < 0.001, maps presented overlaid on the average structural image (n = 25), the right side of the image is the left side of the brain. Scale bar represents T‐score. (d) Unthresholded activation maps for control (n = 12) and BDNF+/− rats (n = 13) show activation in the primary visual cortex (V1) and SC in response to the CS. Color bar represents the raw effect size (increase/decrease) in arbitrary units.