Figure 4.
A 66-year-old female with inferior altitudinal field loss (case 1). (A) Left: a fundus photograph showed optic disc swelling; Right: FA images showed leakage of the optic disc. (B) Left: grey scale; Right: pattern deviation. The Humphrey visual field test showed inferior altitudinal field loss along the horizontal meridian. (C) Top: the cpRNFL significance map; Bottom: the GCC significance map. The cpRNFL significance map was increased at the initial visit and at 1 month due to optic disc swelling, and a significant reduction was observed at 3 months in the superior temporal sectors. The GCC significance map at 1 month showed thinning of the superior hemifield along the horizontal meridian corresponding to the inferior altitudinal field loss. The thinning area gradually spread over time. LE = left eye.