Figure 1. HOCl alters the UV-visible spectrum of 5HT.
The spectrum of 50 µM 5HT in PBS is presented along with spectra obtained 15 seconds following the addition of HOCl at final concentrations of 50 (A), 100 (B) and 200 (C) µM at 22°C. Absorbances due to 5HT are represented by grey traces whereas those due to the addition of HOCl are shown as black traces. Each trace represents the mean of at least four spectra that did not vary by more than 5% of the mean absorbance at all wavelengths. Spectra were also recorded 64 minutes following the addition of HOCl and the absorbance changes at 218 and 274 nm are depicted in panels E and F, respectively, for the indicated ratios of 5HT to HOCl (mean ± SEM of three independent observations).