Antimicrobial activity along the sediment core. (A) Antimicrobial activity (%) expressed as a function of depth (size of the circles is directly linked to the number of screened fungal isolates, from one isolate (1884 mbsf) to 22 isolates (34 mbsf); (B) Relationship between antimicrobial activity (%) and bacterial Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) number (used as a proxy to estimate the complexity of the different sediment samples). The number of prokaryotic OTU was 28, 31, 26, 14 and 6 between 4–6 mbsf, 15–12 mbsf, 24–37 mbsf, 346–403 and 1827–1884 mbsf, respectively. The reader is referred to Ciobanu et al. [13].