Table 2.
Baseline Means, Standard Deviations, and Alpha Coefficients for Measures in the Present Study
Total sample (N = 233)
Men (N = 105)
Women (N = 128)
M | SD | α | M | SD | M | SD | |
KIMS | 122.42 | 14.76 | .84 | 123.53 | 14.79 | 121.60 | 14.73 |
AAQ | 73.04 | 10.02 | .73 | 74.78 | 9.89 | 71.61 | 9.94 |
CES-D | 16.24 | 9.59 | .88 | 14.04 | 8.79 | 18.05 | 9.88 |
GSI | .67 | .47 | .94 | .51 | .39 | .79 | .49 |
HFS-Self | 28.56 | 6.49 | .82 | 29.49 | 5.56 | 27.80 | 7.10 |
Note. KIMS = Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills; AAQ = Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Revised; CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; GSI = Global Severity Index; HFS-Self = Heartland Forgiveness Scale-Self subscale.