Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) analysis of binding of glycosaminoglycan derivatives to FGF17. DSF of 5 µM FGF17 was performed in the presence of a range of heparin-based poly- and oligosaccharides (all 10 µM) and the thermal stabilization relative to the PBS control (=0) and heparin (=1) was calculated (see ‘Differential scanning fluorimetry’). Thermal stabilization effect of (a) chemically modified heparins (table 1, D2–D9), and other glycosaminoglycan (HS, HA, CS, and DS), (b) heparin-derived oligosaccharides, ranging from dp2 to dp12 and (c) cation-modified heparin forms. Results are the mean of triplicates after normalization ± s.e.