Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of data-dependent acquisition, parallel reaction monitoring/multiple reaction monitoring, and data-independent acquisition methods.
Method | Instrument setup | Ease of data analysis | Precision of peptide
quantification |
Reproducibility of
peptide identification |
Breadth of peptide
identification |
DDA | Easiest
Requires user selection of precursor m/z range and frequency of precursor scans. Is the default mode of use on most commercial instruments. |
Many convenient and comprehensive pipelines for the analysis of DDA spectra have been developed over more than 20 years 48, 51, 52. |
Spectral counts (low), isobaric-tag labels (moderate), or SILAC (high) can be used for relative quantification of protein abundance across samples. Hard to use for absolute quantification. |
Run-to-run peptide identification overlap for a given sample is around 60% 53. |
Samples and identifies a single time as many peptides as can be individually isolated. |
PRM/MRM | Hardest
Requires prior identification of peptides and, in MRM, selection of reproducible fragments that do not exhibit interference 54. |
A few pipelines have been developed over the past few years but require some manual curation to identify and quantify fragment chromatograms 54. |
Provides good relative peptide quantification and can be coupled with heavy labeled reference peptide for absolute quantification. Most sensitive method because of high signal-to-noise ratio 54. |
Run-to-run peptide identification overlap for a given sample is more than 85% 54. |
Repeatedly samples and identifies a small set of pre-specified peptides 54. |
DIA | Easy
Requires user selection of precursor m/z windows for MS1 and MS2 scans. |
Requires multiple steps from multiple experiments to compile spectral libraries, with more parameters to choose in recently developed, not-yet- established pipelines. |
Similar to PRM/MRM but more vulnerable to variation caused by interference from other peptides 32– 37, 39– 45, 47, 50– 54. |
Similar to PRM/MRM but more vulnerable to variation caused by interference from other peptides 32– 37, 39– 45, 47, 50– 54. |
Repeatedly samples every peptide within pre-specified m/z windows and identifies those whose signals can be successfully deconvolved 54. |
DDA, data-dependent acquisition; DIA, data-independent acquisition; MRM, multiple reaction monitoring; MS1, scan in which the peptide ions entering the mass spectrometer at a given time are identified; MS2, scan in which the fragments of all (or some) of the peptides that are in the mass spectrometer at a given time are identified; m/z, mass-to-charge ratio; PRM, parallel reaction monitoring; SILAC, stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture.