Fig. 5.
Rhythms in locomotor activity of wild-type and tax-2 mutant animals during temperature entrainment and free-running. A line graph showing the average instantaneous velocity (iVel) of a successfully tracked population of wild-type animals (n = 7) (A) and tax-2(p671) mutant animals (n = 7) (B) as a measure of locomotor activity in μm s−1 during 2 days of temperature (13 °C:18 °C) entrainment, followed by 2 days of free-running at 13 °C. Spatio-temporal maps of iVel (μm s−1) of individual animals successfully tracked for about 30 s are shown below each line graph. (C) The average iVel during the mid-4 h of each 12-h phase for a population of wild-type and tax-2(p671) mutant animals. * indicates values that are different from that of wild-type at P < 0.01 using a two-way ANOVA. n.s. indicates the values between brackets that are not significantly different. Error bars denote the SEM. The warm (18 °C) and cold (13 °C) phase of the temperature cycle are depicted by red and blue colors, respectively, with the subjective warm phase depicted in gray colors. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)