Table 2.
Past | Managing current time | Future |
How often does your child ask questions about their past? | When working on a task, how often does your child seem to get work done in time allotted? | How often does your child talk about or seem to think about what he/she will be doing tomorrow? |
How often does your child seem to think about their past or use hindsight before responding to a situation? | How often does your child refer to a watch or clock in planning how much time he or she has left to do something? | How often does your child consider the future consequences of their actions for him/herself? |
Note. Scoring is typically as follows: rarely (0), sometimes (1), most of the time (2), and almost always (3).
Taken from the “It’s About Time” questionnaire. Copyright R. A. Barkley, 1998. Reprinted with permission.