Fig. 3.
Phylogenetic relationships of T. euotica among theropod dinosaurs. Strict consensus of 99,999 most parsimonious trees (length = 3,367, consistency index = 0.322, retention index = 0.777) recovered from cladistic analysis in which T. euotica is scored based on the holotypic braincase and series of referred specimens. Numbers next to nodes are Bremer/jackknife support values, thick lines next to each taxon depict temporal range (which in most cases is age uncertainty and not true range), colors of lines denote geographic areas, and silhouettes are in relative proportion and scaled to total body length (T. rex = 13 m). Geographic silhouettes are from Loewen et al. (3), and taxon silhouettes are courtesy of (Kileskus, T. M. Keesey; Guanlong, S. Hartman; Juratyrant, S. Hartman, T. M. Keesey; Eotyrannus, S. Hartman; Dryptosaurus, T. M. Keesey; Albertosaurus, C. Dylke; Daspletosaurus, S. O’Connor, T. M. Keesey; Tyrannosaurus, S. Hartman).