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. 2016 Feb 10;37(2):135–187. doi: 10.1210/er.2015-1106

Table 1.

Skeletal Phenotype of Genetically Modified Mice

Mouse Model Genotype Systemic Thyroid Status Developing Skeleton Adult Skeleton T3 Action in Bone Refs.
Congenital hypothyroid
    Pax8−/− Maximal Tshr signaling Apo TRα and TRβ No Thyroid
T4 undetectable
T3 undetectable
TSH 1900×
Impaired linear growth, delayed endochondral ossification, reduced cortical bone, reduced bone mineralization Majority die by weaning; coarse plate-like trabeculae with impaired trabecular remodeling; reduced cortical thickness; reduced mineralization Reduced T3 action 138, 282, 314
TSHR mutants
    Tshr−/− No Tshr
Apo TRα and TRβ
Thyroid hypoplasia
T4 undetectable
T3 undetectable
TSH > 500×
Severe growth retardation; impaired linear growth; reduced mineral density; increased bone resorption; increased bone formation or decreased bone formation Die by weaning unless treated with thyroid extract
Low bone mass, high bone turnover not reversed by thyroid extract supplementation
Enhanced bone loss in supplemented animals rendered thyrotoxic
NR 32, 140, 153, 276
    TshrP556L/P556L(hyt/hyt) Absent Tshr signaling Thyroid hypoplasia Impaired linear growth, delayed endochondral ossification, reduced cortical bone, reduced bone mineralization NR Reduced T3 action 138, 529
Apo TRα and TRβ T4 0.06×
T3 0.06×
TSH 2300×
    Gpb5−/− No thyrostimulin
(Alternative high affinity Tshr ligand)
Juveniles: T4 0.7×, (males only) Normal linear growth; endochondral and intramembranous ossification; increased bone volume and mineralization due to increased osteoblastic bone formation Skeletal phenotype resolved by early adulthood NR 139
T3 normal
TSH 3 × (males only)
Adults: T4,T3 and TSH normal
    Compound mutants
        Tshr−/−Tnfα−/− No Tshr or TNFα Treated with thyroid extract from weaning: T4, T3, and TSH not reported NR Amelioration of low bone mass, high bone turnover phenotype in Tshr−/− mice NR 153
TR mutants
    TRα mutants
        TRα−/− No TRα1 or TRα2; TRΔα1 and TRΔα2 preserved Hypothyroid:
T4 0.1×
T3 0.4×
TSH 2×
(GH normal)
Severe growth delay; delayed endochondral ossification; impaired chondrocyte differentiation; reduced mineralization Die by weaning unless T3 treated NR 73, 310, 311
        TRα1−/− No TRα1 or TRΔα1; TRα2 and TRΔα2 preserved Mild hypothyroidism
T4 0.7 × (males only)
T3 normal
TSH 0.8×
No growth retardation NR NR 304
        TRα2−/− No TRα2 or TRΔα2 Mild hypothyroidism No growth retardation Reduced BMD; reduced cortical bone NR 253
TRα1 and TRΔα1 over-expression T4 0.8× Normal endochondral ossification
T3 0.7×
TSH normal
(GH normal, IGF-1 low)
        TRα1GFP/GFP No TRα2
2× increase in TRα1GFP
Euthyroid, T4, T3 and TSH normal Normal postnatal growth NR NR 308
        TRα0/0 No TRα Euthyroid Transient growth delay, delayed endochondral ossification, impaired chondrocyte differentiation, reduced mineral deposition Osteosclerosis, increased trabecular bone volume, reduced osteoclastic bone resorption Reduced T3 action 285, 313
Normal TRβ T4 normal
T3 normal
TSH normal
(GH normal)
        TRα1PV/+ Heterozygous dominant-negative TRα receptor Euthyroid
T4 normal
T3 1.2×
TSH 1.5–2×
(GH normal)
Severe persistent growth retardation; delayed intramembranous and endochondral ossification; impaired chondrocyte differentiation; reduced mineralization Grossly dysmorphic bones; impaired ossification and bone modelling;
Osteosclerosis, increased trabecular and cortical bone volume; reduced osteoclastic bone resorption (resistant to T4 treatment)
Reduced T3 action 278, 317, 319
        TRα1R384C/+ Heterozygous dominant-negative TRα receptor
(10 × lower affinity for T3)
Euthyroid adults
Mild hypothyroidism (P10–35)
T4 0.8×
T3 0.7×
TSH 0.7×
(GH reduced in juveniles)
Transient growth delay; delayed intramembranous and endochondral ossification; impaired chondrocyte differentiation Impaired bone modelling; osteosclerosis, increased trabecular bone volume; increased mineralization; reduced osteoclastic bone resorption (ameliorated by T3 treatment) Reduced T3 action 312, 530
        TRα1R398H/+ Heterozygous dominant-negative TRα receptor Euthyroid juvenilesT4 and T3 normal
TSH 3.4×
NR NR NR 531
        TRα1L400R/+ (TRAMI/+xSycp1-Cre) Global expression dominant-negative receptor TRα1L400R Euthyroid
T4 and T3 normal
TSH normal
(GH low)
Severe persistent growth retardation; delayed endochondral ossification NR NR 320
        TRα1L400R/+/C1 (TRAMI/+x Col1a1-Cre) Osteoblast expression dominant-negative receptor TRα1L400R Euthyroid, T4 and T3 and TSH normal No skeletal abnormalities reported after limited analysis No skeletal abnormalities reported after limited analysis NR 321
        TRα1L400R/+/C2 (TRAMI/+x Col2a1-Cre) Chondrocyte and osteoblast expression dominant-negative receptor TRα1L400R Euthyroid, T4 and T3 and TSH normal Persistent growth retardation
Delay in endochondral ossification
Skull abnormalities
Reduced cortical and trabecular bone
Decreased mineralization
Short stature NR 321
    TRβ mutants
        TRβ−/− No TRβ
Normal TRα
RTH and goiter
T4 3–4×
T3 3–4×
TSH 2.6–8×
Persistent short stature, advanced endochondral and intramembranous ossification, increased mineral deposition Osteoporosis, reduced mineralization, increased osteoclastic bone resorption Increased T3 action 9, 80, 285, 312, 313
        TRβ2−/− No TRβ2
TRβ1 preserved
Mild RTH
T4 1–3×
T3 1.3–1.5×
TSH 1.2–2.5×
No growth abnormality NR NR 78, 309
        TRβPV/PV Homozygous dominant-negative TRβ receptor Severe RTH and goiter
T4 15×
TSH 400×
Accelerated prenatal growth; persistent postnatal growth retardation; advanced intramembranous and endochondral ossification; increased mineralization NR Increased T3 action 164, 278, 323
        TRβΔ337T/Δ337T Homozygous dominant-negative TRβ receptor Severe RTH and goiter
T4 15×
T3 10×
TSH 50×
No growth phenotype NR NR 82
    TRβ transgenics
        TshbInline graphicTRβG345R Pituitary expression of dominant-negative TRβG345R RTH
T4 1.2×
TSH normal
Normal growth NR NR 532
        CgaInline graphicTRβΔ337T Pituitary expression of dominant-negative TRβΔ337T T4 normal
TSH 3×
(Reduced bioavailability?)
NR NR NR 533
        ActbInline graphicTRβPV Ubiquitous expression of dominant-negative TRβPV RTH
T4 1.5×
TSH normal
Impaired weight gain NR NR 534
        CgaInline graphicTRβPV Pituitary expression of dominant-negative TRβPV Euthyroid
T4, T3 and TSH normal
Impaired weight gain NR NR 535
    Compound mutants
        TRα−/−TRβ−/− No TRα1, TRα2 or TRβ
TRΔα1 and TRΔα2 preserved
RTH and small goiter
T4 10×
T3 10×
TSH > 100×
Growth delay similar to TRα−/−; delayed endochondral ossification; impaired chondrocyte differentiation; reduced mineralization Die at or near weaning NR 311
        TRα1−/−TRβ−/− No TRα1, TRΔα1 or TRβ
TRα2 and TRΔα2 preserved
RTH and large goiter
T4 60×
T3 60×
TSH > 160×
(GH/IGF-1 low)
Persistent growth retardation; delayed endochondral ossification; reduced mineralization Reduced trabecular and cortical BMD
GH treatment corrects growth but not ossification defect
NR 305307
        TRα2−/−TRβ−/− No TRα2, TRΔα2 or TRβ Mild hypothyroidism Transient growth delay NR NR 309
TRα1 and TRΔα1 overexpression T4 0.7×
T3 0.8×
TSH normal
        TRα0/0TRβ−/− No TRα or TRβ RTH and goiter
T4 14×
T3 13×
TSH > 200×
(GH/IGF-1 low)
More severe phenotype than TRα0/0; growth delay; delayed endochondral ossification; impaired chondrocyte differentiation; reduced mineralization NR NR 219, 313, 314
        Pax8−/−TRα1−/− No TRα1 or TRΔα1 No Thyroid Growth retardation similar to Pax8−/− Die by weaning NR 315
TRα2/TRΔα2 preserved T4 undetectable
Apo TRβ T3 undetectable
Maximal Tshr signaling TSH NR
        Pax8−/−TRα0/0 No TRα No Thyroid Growth retardation less than Pax8−/− and similar to TRα0/0β−/−; delayed endochondral ossification; mice survive to adulthood NR NR 314
Apo TRβ T4 undetectable
Maximal Tshr signaling T3 undetectable
TSH > 400×
        Pax8−/−TRβ−/− No TRβ No Thyroid Growth retardation similar to Pax8−/−; severely delayed endochondral ossification Die by weaning NR 314
Apo TRα T4 undetectable
Maximal Tshr signaling T3 undetectable
TSH > 400×
Deiodinase mutants
    C3H/HeJ 80% reduction in D1 activity T4 1.6×
T3 normal
Not reported NR NR 294, 296
    Dio1−/− No Dio1 T4 1.4×
T3 normal
TSH normal
Normal growth NR NR 52, 288
    Dio2−/− No Dio2 T4 1–1.3× Normal intramembranous and endochondral ossification Reduced bone formation Reduced T3 action in osteoblasts 60, 288, 536
T3 normal Increased mineralization
TSH 3–15× Brittle bones
rT3 normal
    Dio3−/− No Dio3 Perinatal thyrotoxicosis
Adult central hypothyroidism
Reduced body length NR NR 299, 300
    Compound mutants
        Dio1−/− Dio2−/− No Dio1 or Dio2 T4 1.7×
T3 normal
TSH 15×
rT3 6.5×
Normal growth NR NR 288
Transporter mutants
    Mct8−/− No Mct8 T4 0.7–0.3×
T3 1–1.4×
TSH 1–3×
rT3 0.2×
NR NR NR 288, 289, 291, 292, 537
    Mct10Y88*/Y88* No Mct10 P21: T4 normal; T3 0.8×
Adult: T4 and T3 normal
NR NR NR 290, 291
    Oatp1c1−/− No Oatp1c1 T4, T3 and TSH normal NR NR NR 292, 293
    Compound mutants NR NR
        Mct8−/− Mct10Y88*/Y88* No Mct8 or Mct10 P21, T4 0.6×; T3 1.6×.
Adult, T4 normal; T3
NR NR NR 291
        Mct8−/− Oatp1c1−/− No Mct10 or Oatp1c1 T4 0.3×
TSH 5×
Growth retarded after P16 NR NR 292
        Mct8−/− Dio1−/− No Mct8 or Dio1 T4 1.4×
T3 normal
TSH 1.4×
rT3 normal
Mild growth retardation NR NR 288
        Mct8−/− Dio2−/− No Mct8 or Dio2 T4 0.4×
T3 1.7×
TSH 50×
rT3 0.2×
Mild growth retardation NR NR 288, 538
        Mct8−/− Dio1−/− Dio2−/− No Mct8, Dio1 or Dio2 T4 2.3×
T3 1.4×
TSH 100×
Growth retarded NR NR 288

Abbreviation: NR, not reported.

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