Figure 2.
Sensitivity and splice site distance. (A and B) Cumulative plot of readcount (A) and barplot showing mean number of reads (B) for the 854 circRNA species predicted by all five algorithms. (C and D) For each algorithm, the duration in minutes (C) or the max RAM usage in gigabytes (GB) (D) predicting circRNAs in datasets as denoted. Numbers reflect average duration or average RAM usage. (E) Cumulative plot of splice site distances for the circRNAs predicted by each algorithm. (F) As in E but with delimited X-axis scale. (G) Barplot as in Figure 1B of circRNAs with splice sites below 500 bp apart. (H and I) Ranked distance plot of all circRNAs predicted (H) and exotic circRNAs only (I) colorcoded as denoted.