Figure 5.
The 2B domain of BsPif1. (A) Structure of the BsPif1 2B domain with numbering of the secondary structure elements. (B) Superimposition of domain 2B of BsPif1 (cyan) on domain 2B of RecD2 (magenta). (C) Superimposition of domain 2B of BsPif1 (cyan) on domain 2B of Dda (green). The long hairpin in BsPif1 is equivalent to the tower (α-helix and long two-strand β-sheet) in Dda. There is no equivalent in BsPif1 of the hook structure, the hairpin insertion between β11 and β12. (D) Superimposition of domain 2B of BsPif1–AMPPNP (cyan) on domain 2B of BsPif1-ssDNA-ADP-AlF3 (purple).