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. 2016 Apr 6;94(4):728–735. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0633

Table 1.

Baseline demographic characteristics and test results

Group Malaria No malaria
HIV infected HIV uninfected HIV infected
N 88 96 57
Male, n (%) 32 (36) 54 (56) 8 (14)
Age median (IQR) 41 (36–47) 28 (19–42) 41 (37–46)
BMI median (IQR) 20 (18–23) 21 (18–23) 21 (20–24)
Plasmodium falciparum median parasite count/μL (IQR) 3,920 (600–13,640) 5,120 (680–20,840)
 Hemoglobin (g/dL) 11.2 (10.4–12.6) 12.5 (11.0–13.6) 11.9 (11.1–12.8)
 cART, n/total (%) 55/86 (64) 57/57 (100)
 Duration of ART median days (IQR) 812 (499–1,288) 1,026 (589–1,444)
 Recently started on cART (< 90 days) 0 2/57
 CD4 count* (cells/μL) 382 (242–499) (N = 87) 571 (488–834) (N = 76) 382 (267–538) (N = 57)
 CD4 ≤ 200/μL 16/87 (18%) 1/76 (1%) 11/57 (19%)
TB history
 Current TB, receiving anti-TB treatment, n/total (%) 4/87 (5%) 2/96 (2%) 1/57 (2%)
 Previous TB 24/87 (28%) 2/96 (2%) 15/57 (26%)
 In contact with person with TB 23/87 (26%) 10/95 (11%) 11/56 (20%)
QFT test results
 Positive 20 (23%) 17 (18%) 14 (25%)
 Negative 66 (75%) 72 (76%) 42 (74%)
 Indeterminate 2 (2%) 6 (6%) 1 (2%)
IP-10 test results
 Positive 20 (23%) 15 (16%) 17 (30%)
 Negative 62 (71%) 67 (70%) 40 (70%)
 Indeterminate 6 (7%) 14 (15%) 0 (0%)

BMI = body mass index; cART= combined antiretroviral therapy; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; IP-10 = IFN-γ-inducible protein 10; IQR = interquartile range; QFT = QuantiFERON TB GOLD® In-Tube Test; TB = tuberculosis.


CD4 counts were unavailable in a period of the study, resulting in a lack of CD4 count for some patients.