Table 3.
Rabbit and horse ATG pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies in alloHCT
Study | Patient & alloHCT characteristics | ATG Dosing, PK Sampling & Analytes | Pharmacokinetic and -dynamic results |
Waller et al., 2003131 | N=28 Age 21–56 yr Regimens MA: N=28, varied Donors Related: N=28, all partially mismatched Graft sources PBSC: N=28 Diagnoses Malignant: N=28 Additional IS None |
Rabbit or horse ATG Both rabbit and horse ATG dosing Horse: 60 mg/kg total dose horse ATG, given as 20 mg/kg/day over last 3 days of conditioning regimen Rabbit: 6–10 mg/kg total dose rabbit ATG, given as 1.5 mg/kg/day or 2.5 mg/kg/day over last 4 days of conditioning PK sampling Days +1,+ 2, +3, +4, +7, +14, +28, +45, +60, +75, +100 Total or active ATG Both total and active |
Data analysis
Eiermann et al., 1999140 | N=12 Age 21–55 yr Regimens MA: N=12, CY/TBI or BU/CY/etoposide Donors Related: N=6 URD: N=6 Graft sources Marrow: N=12 Diagnoses Malignant: N=12 Additional IS CSA/MTX, CSA TCI not specified |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only (Fresenius) ATG dosing 30mg/kg total dose, given from day −3 to day −1 PK sampling Various time points between days −1 and +22 Total or active ATG Total |
Data analysis
Kakhniashvili et al., 2005141 | N=30 Age 18–66 yr Regimens MA: N=30, FLU/cytarabine/melphalan Donors Related: N=21, some partially mismatched URD: N=9, some partially mismatched Graft sources PBSC: N=30 Diagnoses Malignant: N=30 Additional IS Not specified |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only ATG dosing 20 mg/kg total, given as 4 mg/kg/day on days −3, −2, +2, +4, +6 for first 14 patients 16 mg/kg total, given as 4 mg/kg/day on days −3, −2, +2, +4 for remaining 16 patients PK sampling Days −3, 0, +7, and approximately weekly thereafter Total or active ATG Active only |
Data analysis
Seidel et al., 2005138 | N=32 Age 0.34 –18 yr Regimens MA: N=18, varied NMA: N=14, varied Donors Related: N=5, some partially mismatched URD: N=27, some partially mismatched Graft sources Marrow: N=11 PBSC: N=21 Diagnoses Malignant: N=18 Non-malignant: N=14 Additional IS None in patients with leukemia who received TCD grafts; all others received CSA/MTX, CSA TCI not specified |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only ATG dosing 7.5 to 40 mg/kg total, given as 2.5–10mg/kg/day from day −4 or day −3 to day −1 PK sampling Days −4 to +30, initially daily and later every other day or three times a week At least 20 samples collected in total Total or active ATG Both total and active |
Data analysis
Remberger et al., 2005134 | N=61 Ages 1–61 yr Regimens MA: N=52, BU/CY or CY/TBI RIC: N=9, FLU/TBI Donors URD: N=61 Graft sources Marrow: N=28 PBSC: N=33 Diagnoses Malignant: N=53 Non-malignant: N=8 Additional IS CSA/MTX for 53 patients, CSA/prednisolone for 3 patients, CSA/MMF for 3 patients; all CSA with TCI to C0 of 200–300ng/mL Tacrolimus/sirolimus for 2 patients, tacrolimus or sirolimus TCI not specified |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only ATG dosing 4–10mg/kg total dose, given at 2mg/kg/day over 2–5 days (last dose always on day −1) PK sampling Weekly through week 5 Total or active Total only in serum |
Data analysis
Remberger et al., 2009144 | N=76 Ages 1.5–67 yr Regimen MA: N=37, BU/CY or CY/TBI RIC: N=29, varied Donors URD: N=76 Graft sources Marrow: N=16 PBSC: N=60 Diagnoses Malignant: N=64 Non-malignant: N=12 Additional IS CSA/MTX for 60 patients, CSA TCI to C0 of 200–300 ng/mL Tacrolimus/sirolimus in 16 patients, tacrolimus or sirolimus TCI not specified |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only ATG dosing 4–8mg/kg total dose, given as 2mg/kg/day over 2–4 doses with last dose on day −1 PK sampling Days 0, +1, and +7 Total or active Total only |
Data analysis
Call et al., 2009142 | N=13 Ages 2–16 yr Regimens MA: N=13, TBI/thiotepa/CY Donors URD: N=13 with ≥ 7 of 8 allele match Graft sources Marrow: N=13, non-TCD Diagnoses Malignant: N=13 Additional IS CSA/MTX, CSA TCI to C0 of 170–250 ng/mL by EMIT |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only ATG dosing 10 mg/kg total, given as1mg/kg on dayminus;4, then 3mg/kg/day on days −3 to −1 PK sampling Days−4, −3, −2, −1, 0, +1, +3, +5, +7; weeks 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 Total or active Both total and active |
Data analysis
Podgorny et al., 2010145 | N=153 Ages 19–66 yr Regimens MA: N=153, FLU/BU or FLU/BU/TBI Donors Mismatched: N=26, related or unrelated not specified Related: N=76 URD: N=51 Graft sources Marrow: N=10 PBSC: N=143 Diagnoses Malignant: N=147 Non-malignant: N=3 Unknown: N=3 Additional IS CSA/MTX, CSA TCI not specified |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only ATG dosing 4.5 mg/kg total, given as 0.5mg/kg on day −2, then 2mg/kg/day on days −1 and 0 PK sampling Days +7 and +28 Total or active Active only |
Data analysis
Remberger et al., 2012139 | N=43 Ages 0.4–65 yr Regimens MA: N=27, BU/CY or CY/TBI RIC: N=16, varied Donors URD: N=43 Graft sources UCB: N=43 Diagnoses Malignant: N=27 Non-malignant: N=16 Additional IS CSA/prednisolone for 38 patients, CSA TCI to C0 of 200–300 ng/mL Other for 5 patients, regimen or TCI not specified |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only ATG dosing 6 or 8mg/kg total dose, given as 2mg/kg/day for 3–4 days, last dose on day −1 PK sampling Days 0, +11, +25 Total or active Total only |
Data analysis
Chawla et al., 2014126 | N=180 Ages 18–66 yr Regimens MA: N=180, varied Donors Related: N=67, all HLA-matched Other: N=113, at least 8 of 10 alleles matched Graft sources PBSC: N=180, non-TCD Diagnoses Malignant: N=180 Additional IS CSA/MTX, CSA TCI to C0 of 200–400 μg/L |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only ATG dosing 4.5 mg/kg total, given as 0.5mg/kg on day −2, 2mg/kg/day on days −1 and 0 PK sampling Day 0, +7, +28 Total or active Total only |
Data analysis
Hannon et al., 2015143 | N=25 Ages 45–71 yr Regimens NMA: N=25, TLI/ATG Donors Related: N=14 URD: N=11 Graft sources PBSC: N=25 Diagnoses Malignant: N=25 Additional IS Tacrolimus/MMF; tacrolimus TCI to C0 of 15–20 ng/mL through day +28 and 10–15 ng/mL after day +28 |
Rabbit or horse ATG Rabbit only ATG dosing 7.5 mg/kg total, given as 1.5 mg/kg/day on days −11 through −7 PK sampling Days −7, −4, 0, +3, +7, +10, +14, +17, +20 Total or active Active only |
Data analysis
Yamane et al., 2011149 reported day 0 total and unbound ATG concentrations were not correlated in two adults |
Abbreviations: alloHCT: allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation; ATG: antithymocyte globulins; ATG-F: Fresenius ATG: BU: busulfan; C0: trough concentration; CL: clearance; Cmax: maximum plasma concentration; CMV: cytomegalovirus; CSA: cyclosporine; CV: coefficient of variation (expressed as percentage, calculated as mean/standard deviation *100); CY: cyclophosphamide; EBV: Epstein-Barr virus; EMIT: enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique; FACS: fluorescein-activated cell sorting; GVHD: graft-versus-host disease; HLA: human leukocyte antigen; IS: immunosuppression; LOQ: limit of quantitation; MA: myeloablative; MTX: methotrexate; NMA: nonmyeloablative; NRM: non-relapse mortality; PBSC: peripheral blood stem cells; PD: pharmacodynamics; PK: pharmacokinetics; PTLD: post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder; RIC: reduced-intensity conditioning; TBI: total body irradiation; TCD: T-cell depletion; TCI: target concentration intervention; TLI: total lymphoid irradiation; URD: unrelated donor