Test the function of Arg-15 in vitro and in vitro.
A, Yki full-length point mutation (YkiM2) has no interaction with Importin α1. Co-immunoprecipitation between Myc-Yki/YkiM2 and HA-Importin α1 is performed. B–E, YkiM2 stays in the cytoplasm when Importin α1 was co-expressed. Immunostaining of S2 cells expressing Myc-Yki (B–C) or Myc-YkiM2 (D–E) (green) with or without HA-Importin α1 (red). F, cells in B–E were categorized based on the anti-Myc immunostaining pattern. 100 cells were counted in each case. G–J‴, YkiM2 have a functional defect in vivo. Drosophila imaginal eye discs expressing wide type clones (G–G‴), yki mutant clones (H–H‴), yki mutant clones plus overexpressed Yki (I–I‴) or yki mutant clones plus overexpressed YkiM2 (J–J‴) using the MARCM system were dissected and stained with anti-Diap1 (red) or anti-Yki (blue) antibodies.