Figure 8.
Cytokinin-effects on senescence are impaired in gata mutants. A–E, Representative photographs of leaves from 21-d-old plants. Leave nos. 3 and 5 were detached and kept in the dark for 4 d in liquid medium to monitor senescence in the presence and absence of the cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurin (BA). Scale bar = 1 cm. F, Averages and sd after quantification of chlorophyll abundance of the leaves shown in (A–E) (n = 3). Student’s t test: * P ≤ 0.05; ** P ≤ 0.01; *** P ≤ 0.001; n.s. = not significant. G, Representative photographs of 33-d-old plants that had transferred from the light to the dark for 4 d. Scale bar = 1 cm. H, I, Averages and sds after quantification of chlorophyll measurements (H) and total protein determination (I) of plants shown in (G). n ≥ 3. Student’s t test was performed for dark samples: datasets with no statistical difference fall in one group and were labeled accordingly.