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. 2016 Mar 28;22(1):188–191. doi: 10.3350/cmh.2016.22.1.188

Table 1.

Clinicopathological features of 5 cases

Sex/Age Interval* Location and size of liver tumor(s) Imaging findings (on first presentation of liver lesions) Serum AFP level Treatment for metastasis Follow up (follow-up period)
1 M/35 5 yrs Right lobe/ 2.2 cm CT: suspicious of HCC or HCA Normal Chemotherapy AWD (34 mo)
2 F/51 19 yrs Left lobe/18 cm CT: suspicious of HCC or HCA Normal Surgical resection ANED (26 mo)
3 M/60 16 yrs Left lobe/10 cm CT: suspicious of HCC Normal Surgical resection ANED (39 mo)
4 F/31 7 yrs Right lobe/6 cm and 18 cm N.A. N.A. Surgical resection and radioafrequency ablation AWD (36 mo)
5 M/48 12 yrs Dome/4.6 cm and 1.6 cm N.A. N.A. Radiofrequency ablation DOD (36 mo)

AFP, alpha-fetoprotein; CT, computer topography; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HCA, hepatocellular adenoma; AWD, alive with disease; ANED, alive with no evidence of disease; N.A., not available; DOD, died of disease.


Interval from diagnosis of primary meningeal HPC to hepatic metastasis.

Duration from diagnosis of hepatic metastasis to last follow-up.

Lost follow-up at time of review.