The expression of CEA, CK7, CK14 and CK19 proteins is modulated by NF-κB and Lef-1 in fibroblast cells. Equal amounts of cell lysates (containing 50 mg protein) were probed by specific antibodies as described in Materials and Methods Section. β-actin was used as a loading control. The pictures show CEA, CK7, CK14 and CK19 protein. The figure is representative of three separate experiments. The expression profiles of the specific markers and β-actin proteins in the Experimental group (Lane 1), empty vector control group (Lane 2) and negative control group (Lane 3) are shown. A significant difference between transfection with pcDNA3.1(+)-NF-κB and pcDNA3.1(+)-Lef-1 and transfection with vector alone or control is shown.