Salarin C inhibits Culture-Repopulation Ability of primary CML cells incubated in low oxygen. Bone marrow cells explanted from 4 CML patients (#) were treated (circle) or not (square) at time 0 with a single dose of 1 µM salarin C and incubated at 0.1% oxygen (LC1). On day 7 of LC1, cells were transferred to secondary cultures (LC2) established in the absence of salarin C and incubated therein in normoxia. Trypan blue-negative cells were counted at the indicated timepoints of LC2. The graphs represent data from one experiment. In the case of patient # 3, cells treated or not (contr) at time 0 with 1 µM salarin C (sal C) and incubated at 0.1% oxygen for 3 days were lysed in Laemmli buffer and lysates subjected to immuno-blotting with anti-Abl antibody, which, due to the marked MW difference, made it possible to detect BCR/Abl. Anti-GAPDH antibody was used to verify equalization of protein loading