U2OS cells were placed in a nocodazole-induced mitotic arrest as described in Materials and Methods. Some cultures received cyclin F siRNA (Cyclin F-siRNA), others received a non-targeting siRNA (NT-siRNA) and cells not treated with siRNA (untransfected) were also used (On-TARGETplus SMARTpool siRNAs from Dharmacon were used and knockdown was performed as per manufacturer's instruction using Dharmafect-1). After the cyclin F knockdown with siRNAs,cells were placed in a nocodazole-induced mitotic arrest as described in Materials and Methods. Cells were then rinsed and released into fresh medium. Panel A shows cyclin F at the indicated times following release from the nocodazole arrest. Panel B shows the cell cycle distribution at 0,16, 20, and 24 h after release from the mitotic arrest. Panel C shows the incorporation of BrdU at various times after the release from mitotic arrest for untransfected, cyclin F-siRNA and NT-siRNA treated cells.