Analysis of PH3 and Mutant Alleles.
(A) Structure of PH3 and mutant alleles. Exons and introns are indicated by rectangles and thick lines, start and stop codons by open and close circles, and dTPH1 insertions in three distinct ph3 alleles by triangles. Regions encoding two WRKY domains are indicated by gray shading
(B) Sequence alterations in three distinct transposon-tagged ph3 alleles and derived excision alleles. For each insertion allele, the sequence of the progenitor wild-type allele is shown above the sequence of the excision alleles. Target site duplication is indicated by boldface font and underlining. Nucleotides that were deleted during excisions are indicated by dashes and extra nucleotides that were inserted in italics.
(C) DNA gel blot analysis of the PH3 and PH4 loci in different genotypes. The blot was first hybridized with a cDNA PH3 probe spanning nucleotide 404 to 1407 and subsequently stripped and rehybridized with the full-length PH4 cDNA as a control for DNA loading.