Models for the EGF4-13 Region of Human Notch1
The models for the EGF4-9 (left) and EGF10-13 (right) regions of human Notch1 are based on the X-ray structures of EGF4-7 and EGF11-13 and on the interdomain orientations determined using RDC data for EGF7-8, EGF8-9, and EGF10-11. The NMR data indicate that there is no fixed orientation of EGF9 relative to EGF10. Therefore, numerous relative orientations of EGF4-9 and EGF10-13 are possible. The Ca2+-binding EGF domains are shown in green while the other EGF domains are shown in wheat. The Ca2+ ions bound in EGF5, EGF7, EGF8, EGF9, EGF11, EGF12, and EGF13 are shown as red spheres.