Model of Potential Interaction between EGF10 of Notch and EGF1 of Dll-4
(Top) The model of EGF10-13 has been superimposed on EGF11-13 in the Notch-Dll-4 complex (Luca et al., 2015). Notch domains EGF11-13 and the Dll-4 C2 and DSL domains are shown as a cartoon representation. EGF10 of Notch (wheat) and EGF1 of Dll-4 (light brown) are shown in a surface representation; this highlights the potential interaction between these two domains. The Ca2+-binding EGF domains are shown in green, the DSL domain in yellow, and the C2 domain in blue. The Ca2+ ions bound in EGF11, EGF12, and EGF13 are shown as red spheres.
(Bottom) The model is rotated by 180° about the x axis.