Figure 2. Predicted values for intervention and standard care groups for parenting skills.
The intervention group shows a significant increase in maternal do skills over time (b = 0.451, p < .01, whereas the control group shows a nonsignificant change in do skills over time (b = 0.047, NS). Significant interaction of group and time (b = −0.403, p < .05) indicates that the intervention group slope is significant different from the control group slope. Intervention and control groups both show significant decreases in maternal don’t skills over time (b = −0.869, p < .001; b = 0.338, p < .05); however the significant group by time interaction (b = 0.532, p < .05) suggests that the intervention group shows a steeper decrease in don’t skills than the control group. These are predicted values controlling for mother age, education, language, and ethnicity.