Bond epoxidation scores
accurately (BES) identify sites of epoxidation
(SOEs). Top left, for each prediction method, average site AUC was
computed for 389 molecules extracted from the Accelrys Metabolite
Database with their SOEs labeled. This metric reflected how often
SOEs were ranked above other sites within these molecules. Bottom
left, top-two classification performance was computed, by which a
molecule was considered correctly predicted if any of its observed
SOEs were predicted in the first- or second-rank position. By both
metrics, the cross-validated predictions generated by a neural network
(BES) outperformed the predictions of a logistic regressor (BES[LR]).
The classification performance of BES also exceeded that of all raw
descriptors, the five best of which are included in each panel. Right,
examples from the data set are visualized with their predictions.52−54 In the bar graph axis, the two-center electron–nuclear attraction
energy is abbreviated as electron–nuclear attraction. For each
molecule, the colored shading represents BES, which range from 0 to
0.73. Each experimentally observed SOE is circled.