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. 2016 Feb 22;(108):53654. doi: 10.3791/53654
Load Image At the prompt, introduce the Z relative resolution for the image. It can be obtained from the file metadata using the default reader or applying the following formula: X (or Y) resolution/Z resolution (all in µm).
Enter the sequence number (1 - 5) for the channel to be segmented. Using the DNA stain channel for segmentation will detect all cells in the image, however, other channels may be segmented separately too.
Enter the frame to begin segmentation at (1 by default). Only applies to files with multiple time frames.
Enhance Image (optional) The white and black point of the image can be adjusted to facilitate detection. Generally lowering the white point and re-scaling to 0 - 255 (for 8-bit images) or 0 - 4096 (for 12-bit images) will make the image brighter and facilitate detection of dim nuclei.
Detect Nuclei Select the estimated nuclear diameter (generally between 30 and 40 px in blastocysts).
For noisy images the noise level can be adjusted. Otherwise, the default value will be applied.
Segment Nuclei Use default parameters.
Classify Nuclei MINS can distinguish trophectoderm (TE) from inner cell mass (ICM) cells in preimplantation embryos based on position. This can also be done manually or based on fluorescence levels if a TE marker is used.
Export Results Select the files to be generated:
- segmentation overlaid over the channel used (.tiff sequence file), 
- segmentation only (.tiff sequence file),
- spreadsheet with IDs for all cells detected, XYZ coordinates and fluorescence levels (average and sum) for all channels for each cell (.csv file). 
All files exported by default. Files are saved in the same directory where images are located.